New Designer in 2022- Anna Kir

Hello evevryone!

I hope you started your 2022 year so much different from what we had before. I really hope for it.

We have exciting new Designer in our shop- Anna Kir. She has some personal touch to every design she creates for counted cross stitch with some surface embroidery, raised embroidery and some beads involved in the process.

Here is a perfect example of delicacy of her work:

This is “Laces and Roses” with raised embroidery, beads and even treasure attached to the bottom of the design.

Here is another interesting example of the theme that all people in the World know and cherish: Tree of Life with beautiful birds, flowers, stylized Sun and Moon. Original painting by Nataliya Zhukova, an Artist from Russia. Anna Kir offers you to play with design, adding some metallics or maybe beads.

Counted cross stitch chart with decorative stitches and elements.

Based on painting of Natalia Zhukova.

Stitch count: 130 x 150

There are also some seasonal samplers from Anna: every sampler is around 79 x 149 stitches and stitched on fabric of your choice. Take a look at the details: flowers and berries for Spring, acorns and mums in the basket for Autumn, beaded snowflakes and snowy flowers for Winter and bees and red poppies for Summer.

Spring sampler by Anna Kir
Winter sampler by Anna Kir

And the best Fall design of all times featuring ornamental pumpkins, warm home and black crow in “Pumpkins”:

Pumpkins by Anna Kir

All of Anna’s designs come in PDF format, delivered straight to your emails.

Any questions? Just ask!

Take care,

Ksenia from

Hello evevryone! I hope you started your 2022 year so much different from what we had before. I really hope for it. We have exciting new Designer in our shop- Anna Kir. She has some personal touch to every design she creates for counted cross stitch with some surface embroidery, raised embroidery and some beads…

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